About Us

Parent Committee

25 Aug 2022

The Parent Committee leads fundraising, helps to raise awareness of the Pre-School and oversees the management of the setting. 

The Committee consists of named Trustees who take part in the governance of the Pre-School and other volunteer helper or supporter roles.  Parents, carers and others with an interest in the Pre-School can volunteer to be on the Committee.  Named Trustee roles are subject to DBS checks.

As well as playing a vital role in the running of the Pre-School, the Committee organise events and activities which enhance our community and which raise funds.  Money raised by the Committee is spent on resources and events for the children.

Current Trustees are:

Chair:  Johnnie Padilla
Vice Chair:  Siobhan Knifton-Harrison
Treasurer:  Lykke Hansen
Secretary - Alex Fletcher

Co-Opted Committee Member:  Ruth Mattison (Staff)

Meeting Dates

The Committee meets approximately termly.  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually in October.  Dates are shared in the Diary and Pre-School newsletters. 



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Highams Park Baptist Church Cowling Hall
Cavendish Road
Highams Park, London
E4 9NG
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