About Us

Parental Involvement & Behaviour

25 Aug 2022

Parental Involvement
We welcome, encourage and enable parents to be involved in the Pre-School.  “Parents” means the adults named as having parental responsibility on a child’s registration form.
The Pre-School encourages parental involvement in the following ways:
  • Inviting parents into the setting – this may be through special activities, regular stay and plays or other special occasions as they arise.
  • Keeping parents in touch with day-to-day activities (the curriculum) – through social media, newsletters, home-school books in book bags.
  • Asking for parent feedback – issuing parental questionnaires usually twice a year
We encourage and enable parents to be involved in their child’s education and development through:
  • Allocating a key person for each child
  • Using Tapestry Online Journal
  • Offering parent consultation sessions, usually twice a year
  • Reviewing and reporting to parents on their child’s progress, usually twice a year.  Formal reviews are undertaken around 6-8 weeks after a child starts; and prior to the end of the year/a child’s transition to a new setting/Reception.
We keep under review our arrangements for parental involvement, seeking always to build on good practice and to adapt in the light of feedback.   Sometimes, due to the law or local advice, we are asked to restrict parental access to the setting.  Parents are informed in advance if this is the case.
Parental Behaviour
The Pre-School operates a zero tolerance policy towards any behaviour that may cause harassment or distress.  This includes behaviour towards staff, other parents and children.  It includes face-to-face behaviour; and behaviour online, via digital communication, social media, Tapestry or any subsequent online platform adopted by the Pre-School.  You receive a copy of the Parental Code of Behaviour when your child registers with us.
  -Parent Code of Behaviour 2022.docx-  

Any behaviour which may cause staff concern about a child’s safety or welfare will be acted upon in line with the procedures set out in the Safeguarding: Protecting Children from Abuse policy.   
Parental Complaints
For details of the complaints procedure for parents please see the Parental Complaints policy.


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Highams Park Baptist Church Cowling Hall
Cavendish Road
Highams Park, London
E4 9NG
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